By Randy J Cole
My life became a little shaky during the summer of 1989. I was a patrol sergeant with a very respected agency located in the Pacific Northwest. On this particular night, I was supervising four officers. We received a call, reference a burglar alarm at an exclusive shopping area. I responded with one officer. After we cleared the call the officer and myself, stood in a parking lot, making small talk. The incident that we witnessed in that parking lot, had a huge impact on me. I will not go into details here, but it was pretty much life changing in the respect of how I viewed the impossible. I can accurately state that I thought about it every day from 1989 to 2004, for at least thirty to sixty minutes until I started to talk about it. I would relive the experience as though it had just happened. That started to change in the summer of 2004 while working on a contract at the Kodiak Launch Facility for my current employer in Alaska. I wrote my experience down and e-mailed it to Art bell, (Art Bell) Mr. Bell read my experience on Coast to Coast two days later, on a Friday and again on the following Monday! It was as if the chains I had been wearing had lost some of the burdening weight. I had told my story to a few of my fellow officers and family members. The response was less than enthusiastic with the usual, “what the Hell you guys smoking out there?” The officer that was with me refused to talk about it at all. Not even with me! I was left out in the cold. So, with Art bell the healing had started but I would not speak on a public platform about it until 2009. I had been listening to a young man, Josh P Warren talking about various paranormal investigations on a radio program. I decided to send my story to Josh. The next thing I know I am invited to do a spot on his radio show, “Speaking of Strange,” with a follow-up show a month later. I was treated with respect and patience. I also had a desire to finally get in touch with the officer that was also a witness. I found him on a career site and made contact. I asked him to tell me what he had observed that night. He described the exact same thing that I had seen with detail. I had also realized that the chains were even lighter. For the other officer I believe the chains were getting heavier. He asked me to talk to his wife and explain that we had both seen the same thing in hopes that she would no longer think he was crazy. I did that, he later told me that she thought we were both crazy! I attempted numerous times to get the officer to start doing some radio programs with me like Fade to Black with Jimmy Church, but each time he would bend to pressure from family members. The last attempt was the opportunity to tell his story on Paranormal 911. Once again, a no show at the last minute. The last thing he said to me was how bad the incident had messed him up! I have not heard from him since. For me the filming of my incident was the complete removal of the chains and I can honestly say that I don’t think about that night unless I want to! Talking about it publicly was the best thing that I ever did! I encourage all of you reading this to take the same steps and get out from underneath it. Shed that weight brothers and sisters!