Sunday, November 23, 2008

Brenden Foster, Rest In Peace 1997-2008

I am miserable as I write this. I do not do a lot of posting anymore because of many reasons. But I am compelled to spell out my feelings tonight after learning that the young boy, Brenden Foster, from the town where I served as a police officer for a number of years, passed away on Friday. If you had been following the story about this incredible human being you will feel the loss as I do. I never met him in person, but I wish I had. If you have no idea who I am talking about, just simply google his name. This 11 year old boy was perhaps one of the bravest souls I have ever seen. Pure of heart and soul. In the final days of his life he made a wish, To feed the hungry. Unable to do so himself, those who surrounded him made his wish come true. Thousand have began to feed the hungry and homeless in the name of Brenden Foster. He had one other wish. That he could help save the bees which for unknown reasons are on decline. Packages of wild flower seeds will be handed out at his funeral in an effort to help the cause. What a great kid he was and a shining example he will always be.
I wrote the poem below, “Undaunted” for no apparent reason. I somehow feel now that it is a connection to Brenden and his undaunted spirit. Rest in peace little man!

Randy J Cole


Anonymous said...

Very touching. Some people receive a gift to make the world a better place but often pay a huge price themselves. Brenden paid that price but left the earth to do more important things. God Bless Brenden! Gary

Judypatooote said...

Boy that's a very touching story.. what a trooper...I don't know if I could except my leaving this earth that well....I hate to say this, but things like that sure do make me question God....when my granddaughter Ali got a burst of energy the week before she died, she wanted to go to the coffee shop where she worked as a baresta...(spelling?) so her sister, mom and Ali's friends dressed her in her jeans and a top, and on her way out she picked out a flower from the live floweres her boy friend brought her, and put it behind her ear....she even got up and danced with her boyfriend while there....then when she got home she was zonked, and a week later she passed's amazing how those bursts come about....for we thought every breath she took was her last one.....she was 17....

Brendens family can be proud, and what a wonderful thought to hand out wildflower seeds...this was a tear jerker Randy....

Thanks for stopping by, I have been checking out your blog to see if you posted....Keep Warm and you too have a wonderful Thanksgiving.... judy

enemy said...

Very touching... thanks for sharing.. I'll put it up in my blog too.. For Brenden's legacy.. May he Rest In Peace...

Confessions of a Wandering Soul said...

He reminds me of the 'pay it forward' mission.What you shared with us was truly inspiring.Thank You. Brenden is truly an angel and we need to create more of him :)