This week has been interesting. A small herd of mule deer decided to move into the neighborhood. They have been eating the apples at the neighbors house and bedding down for naps. As you can see they also use the time to practice their skills. This is in town I might add and not out in the country. Goofy deer!
Goofy deer, indeed! What a sight that must be, for heaven's sake. Wonder what drove them from forest and field into town? Maybe they're just looking for some action.
Well OK, I never got a picture of two bucks fighting...I did get one of a buck, looking on as his baby fawns were eating....the deer seem to be filtering into neighborhoods and it's scary driving at dusk, or at night....because all of a sudden there they are..... judy
I think it is kind of cool, how we and the deer have learned to "share our space." Unfortunately for us, they help themselves to our garden and flower spaces as well. Unfortunately for the deer, they are no match for a speeding vehicle.
Thanks for your continued visits to Doug's Missoula Blog
Great picture. All too often these are the moments when you're saying, I wish I had a camera.
Gave you a thumbs up on StumbleUpon. Hopefully that will get you some more traffic.
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