Friday, August 29, 2008


This is a creation from my second trip to Thailand. We were at a resort at Hue Hin on the Gulf of Thailand. You may have to click it to read it. It was a poster I sold through random Stone Productions.
The colors are real and untouched. The back ground was a cement wall. The flower is a Bird of Paradise.



Michaela said...

That's really, really beautiful. Thanks for sharing, Randy.

daniel said...

Very nice colors, and a good word as well. Man, you are a decent person. Not everyone realizes how much relief a little encouragement can give a person, even on the internet. I've seen your comments on many blogs, and want to thank you for always having something kind to say, and supporting this creative outlet for others like yourself. Btw, I would love to work on something like a poster... you seem to like my art. If you have any ideas, please share them - for profit or just for fun. ( and you can buy my original art if you like - starving artist prices! ) thanks again; keep it up.

Michaela said...

I will second that! You are a very kind person and you are very encouraging! Keep it up!


The Giraffe Head Tree said...

I agree with all that was said here. I'm behind the times but truly love your work, Randy.